Sunday, March 23, 2014

None were with Him

With the Easter season fast approaching, I often find myself thinking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and what it means to me personally. 
I know He suffered for me personally to find out how I would feel when I came to this earth. He had to experience the heartache, the disappointment, the sorrow, the sin, that I would face during my life. And I know He suffered these feelings not only for me, but for every single person to ever live. 
I love Easter time because it is the beginning of spring. When I see the flowers and the trees start to blossom and grow, I often think of myself as I reflect on the Atonement. I am given the chance to start over again through theAtonement and become a person I am more proud of and my Savior would want me to become. Because of this sacrifice, I am able to do these things that I take for granted so often. 
Remember this unforgettable sacrifice and don't take it for granted because there was a price paid for each of us, whether we use it or not.  
During this Easter season, reflect on your life and make the changes you need to. Devote your life to Christ. 
"Because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to."

1 comment:

  1. Mallory, thank you so much for this post! I LOVE this part: "..there was a price paid for each of us, whether we use it or not." I love that!
