Friday, September 26, 2014


I wanted to share my favorite message from my favorite man today. And though this talk is titled 'To Young Women', I suggest boys watch this too, because I know not only girls struggle with self confidence. This message is so important especially in our world today. 

Imagine you are an artist, and you are painting a picture for a close friend or family member-someone you love so much. When you finish the painting, you look at it and you are so proud of what you have created and you think it is the most beautiful thing. You give it to this person you care so much about and when they receive it, all they do is point out the many flaws in the painting. You feel so upset because you worked so hard and you knew you had created a masterpiece. This is how Heavenly Father feels when we critique ourselves and point out our flaws. He created you beautifully and in the image of himself. He wants us to see ourselves as the marvelous masterpiece we are. He created you and He doesn't make mistakes.
We are all beautiful literal children of our Heavenly Father. We need to never forget that. And more importantly, as Elder Holland says, we should not compare ourselves or want to look more like someone else. Comparison is the thief of joy. "When you let people's opinions make you self conscious you give away your power." YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise.
Spread this message. Our world today needs to be reminded of this. It is so important. Make everyone feel beautiful!

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