Monday, November 18, 2013

Children of royal birth

As I have come to know who I am, and who I always have been, I am beginning to realize how I deserve to be treated. Since the beginning of time I have been a child of God. All of us are. We all are literal children of a loving Heavenly Father. And we deserve to be treated as such, both by others as well as yourself.
There is nothing you can do that will change who you are. No matter what unique circumstances we experience, we will always remain children of God. I have come to know this is true beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I have been reading My Story by Elizabeth Smart, an LDS woman who, at the age of 14, was kidnapped. Reading about this and seeing all she struggled through didn't change who she was. She tells about how she felt worthless and dirty and she didn't know why this was happening to her. But even though she suffered through these terrible things, she remained a daughter of God. Nothing changed that.
Being a high school cheerleader, I am constantly surrounded by beautiful girls who are some of my closest friends. Sometimes, it's hard not to compare myself to the strengths of others. I find myself asking myself 'Why can't my tumbling look like hers?' 'Why can't I have good jumps like her?' 'Why can't I be as small as so and so?' etc. But I am telling myself that every single one of us on the team have strengths and weaknesses; that is how God created us. He loves me even if I don't have as good of jumps as so and so on the team. He loves everyone perfectly because He created us and we are his children.
"God made you and God doesn't make mistakes." Oh how true this is. God is perfect. He doesn't ever make mistakes. So why do we feel like we are so worthless at times? As long as we remember who we are and that the person who made us is perfect, we are reminded of the divine nature we obtain and the potential of what we can become.
Because we are children of God, we deserve to be treated as such. Don't waste your time being with people who constantly bring you down or make you feel worthless. I have been around people who are always negative and pointing out the worst in me and they always try to make me feel like I am wrong. Being around those kind of people doesn't do anything but hurt my self esteem. Why would I want to be around people who constantly act like that? Why do I want to be sad and unhappy with the people who I should be excited to be around? Find friends who will lift you up and treat you like the king or queen you are. The other side to this is treat yourself like royalty. Once you personally gain the knowledge of who you are, you have to change the way you uphold yourself. You were created by God, treat yourself like the divine being you are.
Never forget who you are. You have ALWAYS been a child of God. He loves you!
"Lord, you placed the stars in the sky, yet you call me beautiful."

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