Sunday, November 3, 2013


It's November! Which means, my second favorite holiday is coming up! (Christmas is my all time favorite...) THANKSGIVING!
I love this time of year. The food, the family, the football, the fall weather, the laughter, everything! I love it so much! Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what we are grateful for. We should live an 'attitude of gratitude' year round, but Thanksgiving time is a time we can renew ourselves and really count our blessings.
What would you have today if you ony had what you thanked God for yesterday?
I ask myself this throughout the day and am usually disappointed with the few things I would have. God gives us everything in our life. How selfish are we to thank someone for giving us a gift or a service but not to thank Heavenly Father for the countless blessings we have been given, a lot of which are taken for granted. Our own bed. A pair of socks. Medicine. The list goes on.
Everytime I think about the pioneers I realize how blessed we are today. They are the perfect example of living with an attitude of gratitude. The pioneers crossed the country through extreme weather with no shoes and little clothing or food. Yet, they were always so grateful to the Lord and were determined to finish the trek. Many died, but knew they were choosing the right so they were grateful for their opportunity. I am blessed with shoes and jackets and warm blankets to keep me warm. I have never had to endure anything like the pioneers had to, and I am grateful for that. But I am also grateful for what they did and their strong testimonies to leave everything behind to follow the Lord.
I have learned to develop a grateful heart. Finding the joys in my life everyday makes me realize how blessed I am. There are so many things to be grateful for. I am grateful for my family, my home, my passion for cheer, the gospel, the Atonement, my friends, the gift of prayer, and so much more. But I am also grateful for the little things in my life: a text from a friend, a smile in the hall, a compliment, a hug.
President Joseph F. Smith said, "The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil. Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life. Pride destroys our gratitude and sets up selfishness in its place. How much happier we are in the presence of a grateful and loving soul, and how careful we should be to cultivate, through the medium of a prayerful life, a thankful attitude toward God and man!” People who show their gratitude are always so happy. They don't compare what they don't have to what people do have. Heavenly Father blesses us each with specific blessings. These blessings are unique to our circumstances and we must show our gratitude to Him for all he had given us. Especially our gratitude for the life of His son, Jesus Christ, and the Atonement he performed.
Be grateful and show your gratitude. Gratitude brings happiness and joy. Don't wait to express your gratitude. Blessings will follow.

"I'm grateful for so many things, but mostly God, because without him I would have nothing else to be grateful for."

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